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Breeding Aims

Barloo aims to produce Merinos that provide low maintenance and high profitability for the commercial grower by using our 6000 commercial ewes as a benchmark.

The development and direction of our stud is driven by our commercial operation.

  • Identify 2-3 elite sires each year and AI 60% of stud ewes to these rams.

  • Progeny of these rams are put over the commercial ewes in February.

  • Each ram measured for fleece weight, current wool tests, growth rates, body weight and conformation.

  • Stud lambs mothered each year.

  • Ram weaners used to mate flock ewes in Feb then prepared and sold in September.

  • Has resulted in Stud ewes average fleece weight   8.3kg.

  • Has resulted in Flock ewes average fleece weight 7.3kg.

  • 5 year average micron 19.8.

  • 101% lambing.

  • Turning most of lambs off through feedlot at 9 to 12 months.

  • Scan ewes every year and dry ewes removed from merino matings.

  • Poll numbers have been increased to give us more selection pressure on the ewes.


Direction & Aims of Barloo & Barloo Poll 

As we achieve previous goals set, we re-evaluate them and raise the bar always looking to improve the profitability of our commercial flock.

  • Wool – white free growing well crimped and nourished (able to go into all environments).

  • Plain, productive skins producing free growing wools.

  • Lambing % of 110 now that we have achieved 100%.

  • Growth rates of 250 grams a day plus from birth to maturity.

  • Good conversion rates which is linked to good growth rates.

  • Large correct ewes with the ability to carry large twin lambs.

  • The poll stud will increased if and when the demand requires


These aims are constant, and have been in place for a long period of time, and the results of these objectives are showing in both our own and our client’s flocks.


Domintor 200 (above)

2004 Supreme Champion at Katanning Stud Merino Sheep Show & Sale, and represented WA in the same year at the Dubbo Sire of the Year competition. Genetics of this top sire have spread throughout the stud and semen is available for purchase.


Ram grading at Barloo


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